How to avoid side effects of Deca-Durabolin

Deca Durabolin as we know is an incredibly popular anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders. People looking to increase muscle size and strength use Deca.

However, just like any other drug taken in large amounts or over a long period of time, it can cause adverse side effects.

how to avoid side effects of deca durabolin

The most common side effect of Deca Durabolin is testosterone suppression. Testosterone plays a vital role in providing energy to your muscles and aiding protein synthesis for muscle growth. Thus its suppression can lead to fatigue, decrease in libido, poor sleep quality and overall lack of motivation. Other potential side effects include joint pain due to water retention and gynecomastia (the enlargement of male breast tissue).

How to avoid side effects of Deca Durabolin

To minimize the risk of experiencing these issues during or after your Deca Durabolin cycle the best approach is to implement Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT).

PCT helps restore natural hormone production as well as maintain gains achieved through usage of steroids such as Deca Durabolin. In most cases it usually involves taking medications such as SERMs (Arimidex, Aromasin) or HCG for a set amount of time after you finish your cycle.

These drugs help improve hormonal balance through counteracting the effects that have been caused by steroids. Additionally they also increase luteinizing hormone levels which are essential for optimal functioning of our reproductive system as well as generally improving moods and immune systems health amongst many other benefits.

Deca Steroid Cycle

Week 1 to 8:
Deca (NPP 150) - 1ml/every other day
Testosterone Propionate also - 1ml/every other day

For this cycle we will show how to use Clomid for PCT, you can Clomid or HCG

Clomid will start 1 week after the last injection: Day 1: Clomid 100mg; Day 2: Clomid 100mg; Following 20 days: Clomid 50mg

Note: If needed, you can continue for an additional 5-7 days at a dosage of 25mg/day.

This is an example of a relatively short cycle using two fast-acting products that yield quick results in terms of muscle gains and strength.

Nov 26, 2023 Panda Team

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