Ultima-Oxa 10
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Ultima-Oxa 10

Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 50 tab (10 mg/tab)

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Ultima-Oxa 10 Detailed

Weight gains with Ultima-Oxa 10 are sustaining in nature and fat lost with this steroid is nearly permanent. This Class I steroid is highly effective in reducing the levels of abdominal and visceral fat and use of Anavar does not result in conversion or aromatization to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Use of this steroid leads to muscle hardness, vascularity, and body strength gains besides promoting an increase in the level of lean body mass. Since it is a 17aa compound and does not aromatize, the natural testosterone production is not affected by its use and antiestrogens such as Clomid and Nolvadex are not required unless the Anavar user has an existing history of excess estrogen formation.

Ultima-Oxa 10 mg (Anavar) is the mildest oral steroid available today and is quite mild on the liver. This legal steroid is recommended by medical practitioners to individuals suffering from AIDS related wasting and is even used to provide relief to those suffering from burns. It is also recommended to those suffering from disorders of high cholesterol or triglycerides. It is also indicated as adjunctive therapy for promoting weight gain after loss of weight due to post extensive surgery, severe trauma, and chronic infections. In the world of professional sports, Anavar is used to lose body weight without compromising on lean body mass and body strength.

Ultima Anavar is also admired for its ability to promote linear growth and is medically recommended to treat women with osteoporosis and people suffering from HIV/AIDS wasting. One of the best things about Anavar is that its use, irrespective of the time duration, does not negatively affect scalp, skin, and prostate. The other best thing about this legal steroid is that it can be an excellent cutting as well as bulking cycle steroid.

Ultima-Oxa 10 Recommended Dose

The recommended dose of Anavar for men is 200-100 mg per day or 0.125 mg per kilogram of body weight and the dose of Anavar for women is 2.5-20 mg per day. Anavar should be used at least 40 mg per day to reap the true benefits. This steroid can be used by both men and women and is one of the most popular steroids among women because of its poor androgenic properties.

Stacking Options with Anavar

Ultima Anavar 10 mg is, generally, stacked with Primobolan, Winstrol, and Human growth hormone. It is also used with legal anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs such as Halotestin, Proviron, Trenbolone, and Equipoise.

Some of the possible steroid cycle options involving Anavar are:

Cycle 1 (Option): Oxanodex - Anavar 40-50 mg every day from 1-8 weeks, Proviron 25 mg every day from 3-8 weeks, and Clomid 50 mg every day from 9-11 weeks.
Cycle 2 (Option): Oxanodex - Anavar 40-50 mg every day from 1-8 weeks, Testosterone propionate 50 mg every other day from 1-8 weeks, Clomid 50 mg every day from 9-11 weeks.

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